Shipping & Delivery Policy

At Warehouse Buyers Club, we understand that timely and dependable delivery is crucial to keeping your operations running smoothly. That's why we offer:

  • Nationwide Reach: Whether you're situated on the coast or in the heartland, our extensive network of suppliers ensures that your material handling products are delivered anywhere in the USA.


  • Order Confirmation: Orders are confirmed promptly, with most suppliers contacting you within 24-48 hours of purchase, aiming to minimize downtime and keep your warehouse productive.


  • Members-Only Speed: Club members benefit from prioritized order handling, moving your needs to the front of the line for faster dispatch.


  • Freight Assistance: Customers are responsible to schedule their own freight  upon order confirmation. We can assist in providing freight quotes with an email sent to Customer is responsible for providing the sales order number for reference.


  • Dedicated Support: Our customer service team is on standby to assist with any inquiries or special delivery requests, ensuring a seamless shipping experience.

Join Warehouse Buyers Club today and experience the ease and efficiency of our members-only shipping and delivery service.